Sorry, here's the url: - the left
"portlet", hover the mouse and see.



On Feb 17, 2008 2:22 PM, Jukka K. Korpela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
> > I have the following piece of HTML.
> It's generally best to post the URL when asking for help with a specific
> question.
> > <li class="navTreeItem">
> >       <div>
> This may or may not relate to the styling problems: why do you use this
> apparently redundant <div> markup?
> >             <span>Downloads</span>
> And this apparently redundant <span>? Or are there some CSS rules that
> use it?
> > .navTreeItem a:hover,
> > dd.portletItem .navTreeItem a:hover {
> This looks odd - referring to <dd> markup that is not present in the
> markup snippet you gave.
> >     border: &dtml-borderWidth; &dtml-borderStyle;
> > &dtml-globalBorderColor;;
> That's rather mysterious. Is this in an embedded style sheet, or in a
> file to be preprocessed, or what? What will happen to the &dtml things?
> > What I want it to do is to change the background color of li to #000
> > AND the color of the fonts to #FFF.
> But the rule relates to <a> elements only. You might need to set the
> dimensions of that element (and its display value) so that it occupies
> there entire <li> element's content, if that's what you want.
> > However, when I hover the div, the span inside doesn't seem to inherit
> > the color property (#FFF) and stays with its original color, almost
> > hiding itself with the background color (since its default color is
> > greyish).
> A <span> inside an <a> should inherit the color of its parent, _unless_
> some style sheet sets the <span> element's color. However, if you have
> an explicit rule for the color property of the <span> element, no such
> inheritance takes place.
> But do you need that <span> in the first place?
> Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
> <>
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