Well, have only tested in FF. Actually I added a :hover pseudo-class to the
span selector, however, I would like the span to become color:#FFF when the
user hovered the parent element. Anyways, not a big issue really.

Thanks for your attention!


On Feb 18, 2008 11:18 AM, Jukka K. Korpela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
> > Sorry, here's the url:
> > http://datatransp.dyndns.org:8070/datatransp/suporte-downloads - the
> > left "portlet", hover the mouse and see.
> No, I cannot see any particular problematic effect (on IE 7). I suppose
> "portlet" means the two links "Fórum" and "Downloads". They are in small
> font with insufficient contrast, but you seem to say that there is a
> problem when they are hovered. What I see on hover is somewhat _more_
> readable.
> Previously you wrote:
> >>> However, when I hover the div, the span inside doesn't seem to
> >>> inherit the color property (#FFF) and stays with its original
> >>> color, almost hiding itself with the background color (since its
> >>> default color is greyish).
> So I cannot see the problem. You might be experiencing some difficulties
> with browsers that behave differently from IE 7. But the page as a
> whole, with all that JavaScript code (which has the potential of
> modifying style properties) and several CSS files looks fairly
> complicated, so I think you should first try to isolate the problem in
> as simple a test case as possible. Alternatively, you could try and
> simplify the markup and the relevant part(s) of the style sheet(s) so
> that there are no redundant elements that could cause surprises.
> Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/ <http://www.cs.tut.fi/%7Ejkorpela/>
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