On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 8:51 AM, Sander Marechal wrote:

> I want something that
>  behaves sort of as float: center if that would exist. Or as an "inline
>  block".
>  Say I have two divs of 200x200 pixels. When the page is 500 pixels wide
>  I would like these blocks to be next to each other, but centered on the
>  page. So, 50px space on the left, then two 200px blocks next to each
>  other and then another 50px space on the right.
>  However, when the page width shrinks I would like these blocks to flow
>  as centered text would flow. Say you resize the page to be 300px wide.
>  Then I would like 50 px whitespace on the left, two 200px blocks on top
>  of each other and then another 50px whitespace on the right.

As you say, display:inline-block could be used here. The problem is
that Firefox 2 doesn't support it (FF3 will), and IE needs hacking to
'emulate' it.
I have some pages with several hacks to try to get this effect, you
can have a look: [1], [2].


[1] http://brunildo.org/test/indext1.shtml
[2] http://brunildo.org/test/ImgThumbIBL2b.html

Bruno Fassino http://www.brunildo.org/test
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