Thierry Koblentz wrote:

>> Of vincent pollard
>> i have a table with a bunch of links in it, <a> tags.
>> one of the links is long and has no spaces so the <a> tag is pushing
>> out the table beyond it's set width.
>> how do i force the <a> to wrap?
> You can plug a WBR element in the URL:

Which URL? I saw no URL (though I asked for one). You seem to assume 
that the link texts are URL, and this might be the case (it's not 
uncommon to use URLs as link texts), but then the answer is probably 
that the link texts should be rewritten.

When a table cell contains a longish string with no spaces in them, it 
is generally not a good idea to try to set the cell width smaller than 
needed for the string. At the abstract level, there is no way to decide 
where the string could be broken; it depends on the string and its 

> averylongurlthatdoesnotwant<wbr>towrapnomatterwhatItry

URLs generally should not be wrapped at all. When necessary, there are 
guidelines on permissible break points _and_ on delimiters intended to 
indicate that a URL has been broken.

> That should work in IE 6, 7 and Firefox (not Safari); and for Opera I
> believe the following would work:
> wbr:after {content:"\00200B";}

Interesting. It does work (on Opera 9.10 at least). But as such, <wbr> 
is a non-CSS method for doing things (and generally the only practical 
way when you wish to permit line breaks inside a string that would not 
otherwise be broken).

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca") 

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