David Laakso wrote:
> Rafael wrote:
>>       Well, let's try to bring it back in topic.
>>     What I've done is to add some <del> elements with "no-spam" 
>> legends, hiding them later on with CSS (and using JS to make it an 
>> actual link). This may not be the best approach, but it's, like 
>> everything else, just another try to avoid/minimize spam.
>>     Rafael.  
> Interesting. Got a live example.
    Well, my domain is down at the moment, but you'll find a raw example at
There you'll see 4 different versions depending how you view it: with JS 
and CSS enabled, only JS or CSS enabled, and both disabled.

> ~dL
> PS I neither attempt to avoid or minimize span. It is a given that 
> approximately 85 percent of my mail is spam: my e-mail client (TB), 
> with minimal training, eats it -- no coding or scripting required.
    I guess you're already at the "acceptance" phase, I'm still fighting 
back. By the way, I recommend you not to tell that to any potential 
client you may have ---I, for one, may decide to look somewhere else.

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