At 02:55 PM 17/03/2008, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
>Vicki Stebbins wrote:
> > [...] to site correctly.
> >
> > Q. It was all working fine and then for no reason that I can figure
> > out when I go to the homepage the text is down the page or there's a
> > big gap in between paragraphs, on refresh it corrects?
>I can't see anything wrong with your homepage in any of my win-browsers,
>neither on first load nor when refreshed. Which browser is acting up?
> > Second: On this page the div holding the information is quirky...
> >
>A table without declared width shrinks when there's not enough content
>to space it out. That explains your second case. Since you can't declare
>width and not control the amount (width) of content, you can't use
>'display: table' there.
>One possible alternative:
>#ufwus {/*userfriendly web updating system*/
>margin: 2px 3px 25px 25px;
>overflow: hidden;
>* html #ufwus {/* for IE6 and lower */
>overflow: visible;
>height: 1%;
>div#rbox {
>float: right;
>display: inline;
>margin: 0 0 0 5px;
>This alternative has the drawback that you can't pull elements visible
>over the edges of #ufwus - except in IE6 and older. That's why margins
>on div#rbox has to be corrected, along with margins on #ufwus.
>Other than that the isolation-effect is the same as before - which makes
>your homepage line-up work with a few adjustments, and you'll get a
>full-width container regardless of amount (width) of content - which
>will solve your second case.
>Don't think there are any other good CSS-only alternatives for your
>layout, if you want the right-float on your homepage to line up as
>         Georg

Hi Georg,

Peter wrote and said the same about the 
homepage... I think it's me ;-( dear me sometimes 
I just can't bear browsers and computers.

I will look at your fixes for the other and read 
it carefully to try and fully understand what's 
going on... sometimes I feel such a slow learner 
with CSS but I could never go back to a table 
design that's for sure... I need to keep on keeping on...

Many thanks for your help as usual Georg... may 
your cows milk be rich and creamy ;-)

Kind regards


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