>This has been an excellent thing for me to learn in my greenhorn-hood..
>As I adjust my pages to work with this new combined style sheet, I'm
>adding "id="index" to every instance of my <p> tags; my "space after"
>design employs a <p>paragraph's worth of text</p>  <p>paragraph's
>worth of text</p>, so every <p> needs adjusting.
>Is there a way to say "All of these <p> are now <p id="index">?"

You can only use an ID once in any one html file.

And yes, there is a way to add things globally, but it's outside the
scope of this list, since it's about html and how to use a code
editor search and replace function, and doesn't have anything to do
with css.


Ciao for now,
 bj                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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