firstly, this is the first time I have ever responded to a query, so bear with 
me and expect to receive an email from someone else refuting all I say here, 
but here goes anyway:

1) If it's not a typo, your circular brackets: ( and ) need to be curly : { and 
} around the width:5em; bit.

2) .menu ul #AB means (as I understand it) and element with an id of AB 
_inside_ a ul. Remove the space between ul and #AB to make it mean "the ul with 
an id of #AB";

3) If that doesn't fix it, it will be due to the fact that the first section 
gives the width to the link, not the ul. In this case you will want to override 
the links' width (not the uls')

4) If it still isn't working, you have a problem with specificity. I'm not an 
expert, but you may want to add in as much information as you can. 

If you need to follow all 4, you would be left with:
.menu ul#AB li a, .menu ul#AB li a:visited{width: 5em;}

Hope that lot helps,


    Original message:
    I have this line in my css:

    .menu ul li a, .menu ul li a:visited {display:block; text-decoration:none;
    color:#000; width:90px; height:20px; text-align:center; color:#fff;
    background:#ff0000; line-height:20px; font-size:16px; font-weight: 800;

    and I want to be able to override the width parameter for specific
    instances. I believe I should do something like this:

    .menu ul #AB (width: 5em;)

    where I would have a ul elt with a name of AB. But that, of course, doesn?t
    work. What do?

Harry Burt
Head Designer, *Foundation Flash*

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