On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Foundation Flash <

> Victor,
> firstly, this is the first time I have ever responded to a query, so bear
> with me and expect to receive an email from someone else refuting all I say
> here, but here goes anyway:
> 1) If it's not a typo, your circular brackets: ( and ) need to be curly : {
> and } around the width:5em; bit.
> 2) .menu ul #AB means (as I understand it) and element with an id of AB
> _inside_ a ul. Remove the space between ul and #AB to make it mean "the ul
> with an id of #AB";
> 3) If that doesn't fix it, it will be due to the fact that the first
> section gives the width to the link, not the ul. In this case you will want
> to override the links' width (not the uls')
> 4) If it still isn't working, you have a problem with specificity. I'm not
> an expert, but you may want to add in as much information as you can.

I think your response is quite cogent. However, I had all 4 correct. Perhaps
you were looking at an eariler post; I remember having a space between the
ul and #AB before.

I think the problem lies in the fact (as stated somewhere previously in this
post) that Stu´s css menu places the entire menu in a ul and then each
element of the menu that has a drop-down in a nested ul. Thus, if, for
example, I set the ul width to 100%, some browsers (like certain versions of
IE7 but_not_all) fill the entire menu with the first element, while others
give each element a line the height as set by the ul, and others render all
the elements in a single line like I want them to. But of course, I want
them to show up right everywhere, right? I mean, that´s the idea :)

> If you need to follow all 4, you would be left with:
> .menu ul#AB li a, .menu ul#AB li a:visited{width: 5em;}
> Hope that lot helps,
> Harry
>   Original message:
>   ----
>   Hi:
>   I have this line in my css:
>   .menu ul li a, .menu ul li a:visited {display:block;
> text-decoration:none;
>   color:#000; width:90px; height:20px; text-align:center; color:#fff;
>   background:#ff0000; line-height:20px; font-size:16px; font-weight: 800;
>   overflow:hidden;}
>   and I want to be able to override the width parameter for specific
>   instances. I believe I should do something like this:
>   .menu ul #AB (width: 5em;)
>   where I would have a ul elt with a name of AB. But that, of course,
> doesn?t
>   work. What do?
>   TIA,
>   Victor
>   ----
> --
> Harry Burt
> Head Designer, *Foundation Flash*
> For more information about our Flash and Web Design services, see:
> /http://www.foundation-flash.com/
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