Resubmitting with actual website with problems:
Most of the pages show the menu on two lines (should be one line) and the
copyright and other text off a little bit.  Thanks for looking at this!


On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 7:22 PM, lisa wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm having layout issues in Safari ver 3.1.1 on Windows, but not IE 7, FF,
> or Safari ver 3.04 on a Mac. In simple areas like this:
> #menu{
>     margin-top:55px;
>     margin-left:300px;
>     font-family: Papyrus;
>     font-size: 14pt;
>     color:#FFFFFF;
>     width:475px;
>     text-align: left;
> }
> The issue seems to be with the margin-left and width properties. Items
> layout differently in Safari v. 3.1.1 on windows than the other browsers.
> Also seeing issues with margin-top spacing. Does anyone have any ideas on
> what may be going on here?  Or how to call a style-sheet for Safari only? I
> now how to call one for IE and its different versions, but not finding
> anything on safari.
> Thanks!
> ~Lisa
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