lisa wong wrote:
> Resubmitting with actual website with problems:
> Most of the pages show the menu on two lines (should be one line) and the
> copyright and other text off a little bit.  Thanks for looking at this!
> ~Lisa
>> I'm having layout issues in Safari ver 3.1.1 on Windows, but not IE 7, FF,
>> or Safari ver 3.04 on a Mac. In simple areas like this:
>> Thanks!
>> ~Lisa


I get the same results as you on the menu in  Safari PC and Safari  Mac. 
The structure is brittle. The page (all pages) loads in the PC with the 
menu on two lines. (minus) -1 font-scaling corrects it and puts it on 
one line. On the Mac (higher dpi) the menu loads on one line. (plus) +1 
font-scaling breaks the menu -- drops out of its containing division -- 
and puts it on two lines. Not much you can do, imo, other than allow for 
greater width (decease the menu margin-left), and provide no overly 
restrictive height declaration. Adding padding-top to the copyright line 
should give more spacing of it for both OS.


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