I've seen a lot, but this is a new one and a doozy:

This page is a modified version of Levine's Holy Grail layout. At first 
blush, everything is tickety-boo. In IE6, click on the "Check position 
of left-hand column" button to pop-up a message indicating the 
x-position of the left-hand column. By design, it is 5 pixels.

Now, click on the "Change alt text of right-hand image" button. The 
left-hand column is now thrown over 375 pixels, and the alert now 
indicates an x-position of 380px! The javascript that the button fires 
that wrecks the layout:

function changeAlt(){
        var myImage = document.getElementById("myImage"); //A reference 
to the image in the right-hand column
        myImage.setAttribute("alt", "argh!");
        findPos(); //Alerts us to the x-position of the nav column

By setting the alt text of the image in the right-hand column 
dynamically, for some reason IE is re-calculating the x-position of the 
left-hand column incorrectly! I can fix this with Javascript, but I'm 
hoping that someone knows what on earth is going on and I can implement 
a non-javascript fix.


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