Yes, inline styles trump (overwrite) rules set for the element, but if you put h1 { color:red; } then your h1 style="stuff-here" will be red, unless the inline style specifies something else for color. My hunch is the original poster wants to prevent that single h1 from being red without having any other way to target the element, other than it has a style attribute. I have to deal with stuff like this all the time making CMS systems that let users enter h1, h2, in a wysiwyg editor, and I have other h1 & h2 on the page I don't want to be styled the same. Consider the following example, where it is desired to have Other Story not inherit red color and bottom border:
h1 { border-bottom:2px solid red; color: red; font-family:serif; } <h1>Title One</h1> <h1>Title Two</h1> <!-- user generated content --> <h1 style="font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">Other Story</h1> ______________________________________________________________________ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] List wiki/FAQ -- List policies -- Supported by --