Geoffrey Hoffman wrote:

> Yes, inline styles trump (overwrite) rules set for the element,

Only in the sense that when a property is set both in a style attribute 
and elsewhere, that specific property gets the value set in the style 
attribute - and only when the !important specifier does not make another 
setting win. The style attribute does not generally make other CSS rules 
relating to the element null and void. It's just part of the system of 
CSS rules that play in the cascade, with the special status of having 
the highest possible specificity.

Currently, there is in general no way to specify e.g. in an external 
style sheet that some rule in it shall be applied to, say, all h1 
elements except one that has a style attribute, or a specific style 
attribute. The :not construct is just a proposed one, and with 
experimental implementations.

However, for some properties you can, in some sense, achieve the goal by 
using a construct like

h1 { font-style: italic; }
h1[style] { font-style: normal; }

This would italicize h1 headings except those that have a style 

The bad news is that attribute selectors like [style] aren't supported 
by IE 6, and even on IE 7, they aren't supported in Quirks Mode.

Even worse, in "standards" mode IE 7 does not seem to support the 
[style] selector, even though it supports attribute selectors in 

As others have noted, the h1 element is not a good example, since 
normally there is (or should be) just one h1 element per page.

It might help to know the specific situation and goal in order to be 
able to suggest a different approach.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca") 

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