Jonny Stephens wrote:
> On 3 Jun 2008, at 21:55, David Laakso wrote:
>> Patrick James wrote:
>>> In Internet Explorer 6 when the mouse cursor hovers over the anchor
>>> elements they turn red, as they should, but  Link 002, Link 003 and
>>> Link 004 'bunch up' against the box above in the list.
>>> They are kept apart by a 5 pixel margin applied to the anchor  
>>> element.
>>> It looks like on hover the element being hovered over 'absorbs' the
>>> margin above.
>>> I can't work out a remedy and so I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
>>> Patrick
>> Couple of things:
>> You have targeted the a
>> #nav001 a {
>> }
>> #nav001 a:hover {
>> }
>> Instead, target li a
>> #nav001 li a {
>> }
>> #nav001 li a:hover {
>> }
>> And remove the margin-bottom:
>> #nav001 li a {
>> /*margin: 0 0 5px 0; delete*/
>> margin:0 /*add*/;
>> }
> And if a margin is required, apply it to #nav001 li rather than  
> #nav001 li a.
> Jonny

But, if you do so, check the /page/ cross-browser as it may no longer 
look the same (render the same) in the IE's as in compliant browsers. Or 
will it?


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