> Hello Ken,
> Thank you. I've not met {zoom: 1,0;} before, but I'll be giving it a  
> try.
> I did wonder if it was a 'has-layout' problem, but don't know enough  
> to make the
> suggestion.  I thought, however, that the 'overflow:hidden' was  
> meant to take
> care of that.  But perhaps not.

Ah, no no, overflow: hidden is a fancy way to clear floats without  
actually clearing them.

Floats take elements out of the document flow. So parent elements  
don't know how tall to be for example. Before Overflow: hidden; was  
around, clearing them was the way to go, because suddenly, an element  
is in document flow but is still flowing around floats that aren't, so  
our parent containers were happy, because they could see -something-  
to know how tall to be =p Clearing causes -all- kinds of problems  
though, which I'm sure you'll run into.

But thats why overflow: hidden got latched onto so hard, all of a  
sudden, parent elements, with one simple declaration and less hacks  
and no extra elements know how tall to be and what is going on with  
their children elements. It's killer for floats, but not much past  
that (unless you dig the iframe scene =p ).

Zoom: 1.0 and height: 1%; both can do some nice things for the fubar  
scene of IE6. I most often use zoom now though. Oh and a good tip off  
that something is awry with has-layout: the borders that David Laakso  
was tossing onto the elements, if borders ever fix your problem  
randomly, the issue is usually has-layout.

Good luck to ya! IE-6 takes every trick in the book at the end of the  
day typically =p

Ken Hanson | http://www.markupninjas.com

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