I have designed a page which seems to work well in FF2, FF3 and IE7 but breaks
up so badly in IE6 that it's hard to see what was intended.  I've yet to try any
other browsers.


The layout has a header, and two columns.  The left ('div#navleft') column is
floated left, and the second ('div#txtcol') is alongside it.  Txtcol contains a
series of structurally identical entries ('div.item') with rounded corners
achieved with a combination of background and normal images in  header and
footer divs within div.item ('div.header1', 'div.footer1').  To get the footer1
correctly placed required a 'clear'.

Originally I positioned div#txtcol using a left margin equal to the width of
div#navleft, but this meant the 'clear' positioned 'footer1' below 'div#navleft'
(though still inside div#txtcol).  In other words the first div.item within
div#txtcol had exaggerated height.  Hence the 'overflow: hidden;' , which
creates a new block formatting context (preventing the 'clear' from clearing 
float on 'div#navleft').  Curiously FF2, FF3 and IE7 don't seem
to mind whether the left margin is 0 or equal to the width of div#navleft 

But in IE6 the whole 'div#txtcol' is pushed down below 'div#navleft' so there's
a huge gap below the banner, and in this gap appears some background colour
either from the page footer ('div#footer') or the 'div#inner' which exists to
give faux-column colouring below div#navleft.
I'm trying to include some conditional CSS to cope with this, haven't got it
right yet.

The current CSS for div#txtcol is:

div#txtcol {
        background-color: #F6EFC3; /* primrose */
/*      position: relative; top: 0; left: 0px;*/
        margin: 0 0 0 0px;
        padding: 0 0 4px 0;
        height: auto;
        overflow: hidden;  /* Creates new block formatting context */
/*  Hack to control scope of Clear in div.footer1 (corrects overflow set hidden
above) */
* html#txtcol {
        overflow: visible;
        height: 1%

I'm still playing with the conditional CSS for IE6, so the exact layout may vary
from time to time.

Any suggestions, please ?

Tim Dawson
Isle of Mull, Scotland

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