On Jun 30, 2008, at 5:30 AM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

> On Jun 30, 2008, at 8:13 PM, Francois Jordaan wrote:
>> On some sites, including one I'm working on, I've noticed a Flash of
>> Unstyled Content (FOUC) in FF3, which doesn't occur in any other
>> browser.
>> (This is where the page content displays unstyled for a split second
>> before
>> the CSS kicks in.)
>> The site I'm working on is not yet public, but here's another  
>> example:
>> http://www.worthing.gov.uk/visiting-worthing/
>> Does anyone know what causes it?
> Safari 3 and WebKit nightly builds also show that FOUC.
> I guess, as Bill Brown suggest, that moving the block of stylesheets
> before the block of links for the js in the source code will help.
> Note that it takes a loong time before that site start displaying
> something. I waited at least 6 seconds staring at a blank screen (both
> Gecko and WebKit) – and that is on fast 'net connection.

This is because there are 13(!) javascript files being loaded before  
anything else. I recommend merging them all and putting them at the  
bottom of the page.

In fact, I recommend merging all the stylesheets too. This should  
increase performance too.


Ryan Doherty

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