On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 12:13:46 +0100, Francois Jordaan wrote:
> Hi,
> On some sites, including one I'm working on, I've noticed a Flash of Unstyled 
> Content
> (FOUC) in FF3, which doesn't occur in any other browser. (This is where the 
> page
> content displays unstyled for a split second before the CSS kicks in.)
> The site I'm working on is not yet public, but here's another example:
> http://www.worthing.gov.uk/visiting-worthing/

Re: the delays people are reporting-- put the CSS high in the HEAD,
the JS low in the BODY. It would also help to gzip the CSS and JS
on account of the huge quantity of it. More you can do to improve
response here:



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