>> Christopher wrote:
>>> I'm trying to move the <h1> text "main" down using <top margin> just a 
>>> little and it's not moving
>>> Same thing with the "contact with email" won't move down on the <top margin>
> You are already setting a negative margin on your H1 element:
> .mainloc {
>     margin-top: -27px;
> }
> To move it down, simply stop moving it up or move it up less.
>>> Also If you view the page in Opera the paragraphs under "about me"
>>> are a little squashed especially the "sheep word" overlaps the "W" a 
>>> little. If you view in FF3 there is a huge space between the "W" and the 
>>> rest of the text
> You're telling it to be by setting a line height of 16px in your
> .aboutmepara style block. To begin with, line-height should not have a
> unit attached to it (no em, px, or %, etc.). It's a factor, like
> "line-height:2" means set the line height at double. You probably want
> something like "line-height:1.5" for your block.
> You are now tied for first with me for number of messages posted to this
> list for this month (51 apiece, this email is 52 for me). I regret I
> will be unable to offer you any more assistance after this email as it
> seems to be "enabling" rather than "assisting."
> --Bill
When I move the .mainloc which is associated with the <h1> tag it also 
moves the #location <id> how come?
And I changed the line-height to 1.5 the result was not good, so that 
does not work any other suggestions?



I recommend doing a little reading on how CSS uses the box model for how it 
affects HTML. Until you fully understand how CSS cascades and impacts the HTML, 
you're going to continue to have formatting issues... 

I also recommend installing a Firefox plug-in called Firebug. It has a really 
cool feature that allows you to inspect your CSS and will outline your HTML 
using the box model so you can see how things are effected by the CSS. 


Good luck.
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