Hello everyone,

To let us move on to more constructive CSS (away from any distractions), 
I would like to bring to your attention this table of CSS2.1 User Agent 
Style Sheet Defaults.


This table is base largely on a table complied by Saloni Mira Rai from 
MS covering Appendix D [1] which has come under recent discussion on the 
CSS WG mailing list [2]. I have added to it and adjusted a few of the 
default values. Since the propose adjustments of the *h1..h6 headings* 
from pixels to ems value hasn't materialized (in any correct manner) I 
find that I have a huge job in getting this correct.

I would please welcome any help with getting this table right (pixels to 
ems value). Please reply offlist with any offers. I have a test case of 
block level elements for this purpose (test with a UA font size setting 
of 16px).


I have this table on my server for the purpose (hope) of a better 
understanding of UA default style sheets. These are the defaults that 
are overridden by *universal resets* and which results in many author 
style sheets becoming more difficult to follow since this requires a 
sequence of chained selectors,

#id #id .class p
#id #id .class p


to build the CSS back up. I believe that CSS wasn't meant to be done in 
this manner.

[1] <http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/sample.html>
[2] <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Apr/0474.html>

Alan http://css-class.com/

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