MEM wrote:
> Hello again,
> Gunlaug Sørtun Wrote:
>> "General advice: declare 'font-size: 100%; line-height: 1.4;' on 
>> body"
> Done. I have made line-height to 1.4 and I believe it’s a nice value 
> since 1(e.g) is too hard for reading proposes. I've also put the 
> font-size: 100% but, here, I don't understand why. :s
> If we will use, for example, .10em to downsize a text and 3em to 
> upsize, or we will use 50% to downsize or 200% do upsize, why do we 
> need the establish a default value of 100% on the top of our css 
> files? I mean, I believe we state a value on the top of our css file 
> for two main reasons: "reset browser default values, and make them 
> the startup point for all other dimensions that will be relatives to 
> this top declared values, (is this correct?).

First: to talk about "reset" is wrong. No values anywhere are resetting
anything, as there isn't anything to "reset" too but browsers defaults
and browsers know those perfectly well already.

We declare our intentions - "set" our chosen values, and sometimes it
simply makes sense to confirm browsers own defaults for a property.

Regardless of what you may have heard or read anywhere; browsers come
with some pretty reasonable defaults, that one should have quite good
reasons to override - especially default-values that they all seem to
agree on like the one for font-size. Line-height defaults differ
slightly, so it often makes sense to level them with a mid-range value
that makes reading easy, and that helps with styling of other in-text
elements we may use.

> However, I do understand this approach in pixel point of view, but I 
> don't understand this approach in % point of view. I mean, if we 
> state on the top of our browser: "Dear Browser, please take in 
> consideration that 5px is now your default dimensions for text". 
> Then, when we will declare later on, a <p> tag with a text size of 
> 50%, the browser should know that he/she needs to present a 2.5px 
> text.

It does, but depending on how browsers options are set they may not
render anything that small - no matter how nicely you formulate yourself :-)

> But if we declare 100% at the top, what does the browser know about 
> the relative values?

Browsers know that _all_ font-size values added for elements inside body
relates back to 100% of the browser's own default font-size value -
whatever that happens to be.
'%' and 'em' are relative values when used on font-size, in the sense
that they always are calculated based on the font-size inherited from
parents. They are also relative in the sense that all browsers that can
resize fonts can resize them - including our beloved Internet Explorer.

In addition to that, by starting with a percentage we avoid the nasty
"em font-resizing bug in IE5 - IE7"...
...which would otherwise make 'em' values somewhat problematic to use.

As that article says; you could have started at the html-element, and
you can even start at a wrapper-element inside body. Placing a base
font-size much further in than that rarely ever makes sense.

The point, or at least my point, is to give browsers a starting-point
that makes sense size-wise, and to avoid that IE-bug at the same time.
The latter is especially important since there are so many IE/win users
around that may run into that bug :-)

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