> Thank you for your reply. But when I use the suggestion for the css of 
> {display: block:  text-align: center;  display: bold;}, it will work in IE 
> 7 but not Firefox 3.0.3. I'm using td.boldcenter for the class name so my 
> codes looks like this:
> <tr>
>           <td class="boldcenter">9-25-08</td>
>           <td class="boldcenter"><a href="xxx.pdf">Name</a></td>
>           <td>This is where some information would go that I do not
>  want centered or bold.</td>
>  </tr>
> Can you tell me what I'm missing for it to work in Firefox?
> Tommy

Hi Tommy--

I might be tuning in a bit late here, but isn't this essentially what 
you want?
       <th><a href="xxx.pdf">Name</a></th>
       <td>This is where some information would go that I do not want 
centered or bold.</td>

Should work in all browsers and doesn't even require CSS modifications 
since HTML already has a tag in place for this sort of thing.

Hope it helps.

Bill Brown, MacNimble.com :: "From dot concept to dot com since 1999"
WebDevelopedia.com, TheHolierGrail.com, Cyber-Sandbox.com, Anytowne.com
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a
faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and
has forgotten the gift. -- Albert Einstein
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