> Thank you for your reply. But when I use the suggestion for the css of
> {display: block:  text-align: center;  display: bold;},

That's not what I suggested. Why don't you post a URL so that we could see 
what your real text page is?

> I'm using td.boldcenter for the class name

That's a poor name because it binds class to specific visual rendering.

> so my codes looks like this:
> <tr>
>          <td class="boldcenter">9-25-08</td>
>          <td class="boldcenter"><a href="xxx.pdf">Name</a></td>
>          <td>This is where some information would go that I do not
> want centered or bold.</td>
> </tr>

That can't be all of the code, and you didn't describe what CSS code you 
have. A URL would tell this all.

Some people have suggested the use <th>. That means table header cell, and 
should be used for headers only. After selecting markup, you need to pay 
attention to the fact that th elements are by default normally rendered as 
centered and bold, so you may wish to take actions that override this (or 
just accept it).

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/ 

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