Hey folks,

I'm working on a template for cubecart. The template has this comment first, in 
the line before the doctype, and it is required:

<!-- BEGIN: body -->

My question is-- will this throw IE8 into quirks? I know that anything before 
the doctype does it to IE7.

Secondly, what exactly IS IE8 quirks? Is it throwing it back to IE5  rendering, 
so I can just style for all IEs the same? Or am I gonna have some sort of 
unimaginable nightmare when IE8 final hits?

Third-- How is IE8 reading (or not) conditional comments? I googled this and 
got a lot of conflicting answers. And I've been using lte IE 7 conditional 
comment to try to futureproof my sites, so this has relevance beyond the 
particular website I referenced above. 

Thank you, as always, for your help.

Ciao for now,
 bj                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

PS. I'm on digest so please cc me on answers. Thanks!

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