bj wrote:

> I'm working on a template for cubecart. The template has this comment
>  first, in the line before the doctype, and it is required:
> <!-- BEGIN: body -->
> My question is-- will this throw IE8 into quirks? I know that 
> anything before the doctype does it to IE7.

The comment throws IE8b2 into quirks mode, and IE8 final is expected to
go the same route. Don't think it has much choice, really, since
Microsoft have decided on "full backwards compatibility" :-)

> Secondly, what exactly IS IE8 quirks? Is it throwing it back to IE5 
> rendering, so I can just style for all IEs the same? Or am I gonna 
> have some sort of unimaginable nightmare when IE8 final hits?

IE8' quirks mode rendering will be identical to IE6 quirks mode
rendering on almost every point, so you can design for IE5.5/6 quirks
mode and expect it to work.
IE8 will not throw in any major surprises in quirks mode,
since it'll then stop supporting all CSS that IE6 doesn't support...


> Third-- How is IE8 reading (or not) conditional comments? I googled 
> this and got a lot of conflicting answers. And I've been using lte IE
>  7 conditional comment to try to futureproof my sites, so this has 
> relevance beyond the particular website I referenced above.

IE8b2 responds to <!--[if IE 8]> and not to CCs targeting other
versions. Mode doesn't matter, so IE8 won't pick up CCs for earlier
versions when in quirks mode.

This means you'll have to use an <!--[if IE]> or <!--[if lte IE 8]> for
that particular case. The former will probably be best choice since we
_expect_ all later IE versions to go into quirks mode rendering when
they see the comment on top. One can never be sure about anything when
dealing with future Microsoft releases though.

IE8 in "super standards mode" will render normal CSS quite well -
without any major quirks. Its CSS support doesn't go much beyond most of
CSS2/2.1 though...


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