David Laakso wrote:
> Don Hinshaw wrote:
>> Thanks for any thoughts on this...needless to say it's very unnerving 
>> to have these issues pop up at this late date when the author of the 
>> CSS is unavailable.
>> Don Hinshaw
> body {
> font: /*101%*/100% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
> }
> h1 { font-size: /*.875em*/120%; }
> h2 { font-size: /*.8125em*/110%; color: #c00;}
> p { font-size: /*.6875em*/100%; }
> p.larger {font-size: /*.75em*/100%;}
Thanks for the response. I'm not quite sure how this helps. Yes, it 
cures the tiny font problem, but it creates another situation we want to 
avoid: Gigantic fonts at the default size of 16px.
Everything I've read seems to point to pixels being the only way to 
retain any control over the situation. True?


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