On 2009/01/10 18:12 (GMT-0800) Don Hinshaw composed:

> David Laakso wrote:

>> Don Hinshaw wrote:

>>> Thanks for any thoughts on this...needless to say it's very unnerving 
>>> to have these issues pop up at this late date when the author of the 
>>> CSS is unavailable.

>>> Don Hinshaw

>> body {
>> font: /*101%*/100% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
>> }
>> h1 { font-size: /*.875em*/120%; }
>> h2 { font-size: /*.8125em*/110%; color: #c00;}
>> p { font-size: /*.6875em*/100%; }
>> p.larger {font-size: /*.75em*/100%;}

> Thanks for the response. I'm not quite sure how this helps. Yes, it 
> cures the tiny font problem, but it creates another situation we want to 
> avoid: Gigantic fonts at the default size of 16px.

Any time the CSS above provided by David results in unwanted "gigantic
fonts", it results from the user's computer being misconfigured. Your
original .6875em is mousetype on all my puters. On all my computers, David's
body and p CSS would result in perfectly sized fonts that vary in size
between 20px and 32px, depending on display size and resolution. My computers
are not misconfigured.

Everyone's system is not the same. Some screens are large, some small. Some
screens are low resolution, some high. And there are in between sizes and
resolutions. All those variations result in varying dimensions for "16px", as
a px varies in size according to those variables. The default default size of
16px should neither be presumed to remain in effect, nor presumed to be
anything other than a perfect size. Any presumption that 100% p & body is not
perfect in the user's own environment is nothing less than rude.

If 16px is gigantic for you, fix your own computer. Don't rudely mess with
everyone else's.
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he
is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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