Christie Mason wrote:
> I've been very happy that CSS removed the need to have font
> declarations littered through the code and being able to change
> colors etc from one shared CSS resource, but I'm still not convinced
> of the practical usefulness of it for positioning.

I've written, erased, rewritten, and erased about ten different replies 
each time a new reply comes in on this thread. I almost feel out of the 
loop: I didn't know that this battle was still even waged anywhere.

As a boy, my father had this pair of channel lock pliers that he used 
for everything. Putting a nail in the wall? Turn the pliers around. Got 
a screw to tighten? Grab that bad boy with the pliers and give it a 
twist (lefty loosey...). Got a splinter? Oh, how I wish I was joking, 
but no, get the pliers. They were everything: wire cutters, hammer, 
screwdriver, sometimes even pliers.

He used the pliers because he always knew where they were, not because 
they were the right tool for the job. Sometimes, I get the sense that 
people are using tables for layout are a lot like my dad used his pliers 
-- they know where the tables are.

CSS requires a change in thought process, a re-envisioning of a website 
from a different perspective. If you haven't been able to get your head 
around the benefits of CSS, I don't think you'll ever understand the 
syntax and basic guidelines behind its usage, particularly with regard 
to positioning.

Layouts done in CSS are in my experience, more robust, easier to 
understand, easier to code, easier to javascript and easier to manage in 
nearly every other way.

This rebuttal is ridiculously incomplete, but I don't even know where to 
begin in explaining the benefits of CSS over tables, or how to fit it 
all into one read-able email.

I wish some examples had been cited as layouts which were difficult in 
CSS, but easy in's sometimes easier to explain the 
differences using a sample or two.

  ! Bill Brown <>
  ! Web Developologist,
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