David McGlone wrote:

> You're correct. I make changes and look at it with firefox. I'm aware
>  it probably will not look the same in different versions of IE, 
> Opera, etc, but I haven't figured out what to do to fix this. What 
> would you recommend?

Apart from with IE6-7-8, don't mind browser _versions_ too much. There
are too many...

Unless you experiment heavily with CSS3 and/or proprietary CSS, the
latest versions of Firefox, Opera, Safari etc. will pretty much handle
all reasonably well thought-out and standards compliant layouts/designs
the same.
The major browsers are available on win-XP and up for testing, and if
you run on another OS you still can get hold of most. Always good to see
for yourself what's going on.

What you _should_ do is to stress-test your layouts and final
designs/pages a bit in Firefox - since that's your preference. At least
200% font resizing (not page zooming) usually reveals most weaknesses in
a layout/design/finished page, and is a good starting-point for checking
design quality and basic accessibility - see: WCAG2 standard.

> All those other declarations on the page are just junk. I started 
> experimenting with an old CSS file from 2003. It's been years, but 
> that is what happens when one has kids. LOL

Maybe better to start with a clean sheet then, and catch up on CSS 2.1
now that you have a chance :-)

Tip: avoid absolute positioning for major elements (containers) in a
page, and don't fix vertical dimensions on them.

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