I would recommend you put the left hand text in it's own DIV.


  <div id="wrapper2">
  <div id="search_etc">search bit</div>
  <div id="menu">menu bit</div>

  <div id="leftcontent"><p>Electrochemical Devices Inc., founded in 1986, 
specializes in the design and manufacture of products for monitoring and 
  <div id="blendme">image bit</div>
  <div style="clear:both;"></div>



  Then float:left on that div. You may also want to try it with and without the 
clear:both as this can sometimes help or break floats!

  ~Mx (:

  On Feb 5, 2009 12:40pm, Del Wegener <d...@delweg.com> wrote:
  > Good Morning;
  > The site giving me trouble is:
  > http://www.edi-cp.com/homepage2009_sandbox/edi-index.shtml
  > In FF and others it looks exactly like I and my client want, but in IE 5, 6,
  > 7 one of the floats does not behave.
  > The BAD BOX should float right, beneath the Menu box, and text should appear
  > to the left of the BAD BOX.
  > What kind of fix do I need ?  Thanks.
  > Del

  Now on my computer the box floats to the right but the text is pushed far 
down on the page.  If I put the text is a div floated left then the text will 
not flow around/under the BAD BOX.

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