On 2009/02/05 12:22 (GMT-0600) Del Wegener composed:

> David Laakso wrote:

>> Del Wegener wrote:

>>> The site giving me trouble is:
>>> http://www.edi-cp.com/homepage2009_sandbox/edi-index.shtml

>>> In FF and others it looks exactly like I and my client want,

>> I rather doubt that as it is easily broken in compliant browsers. I'll
>> be back.

> When you come back, please explain what you mean by "broken".
> We have tested on several different computers, with different browsers. with 
> different resolutions different window size, different zooms, and it seems 
> to do what we expect (we is me, two clients and their graphics guy).  So 
> what do you mean by broken?

http://fm.no-ip.com/SS/delweg01.jpg at life size is 366mm wide. That equates
to a 17" WUXGA laptop (1920x1200) @ fullscreen. That's the largest WUXGA I
know of. Others are smaller at 16" and 15.4". The default browser font is
12pt, which equates to 22px at the 133 DPI of WUXGA on 17".

No zoom or minimum font size has been applied. What you see is exactly as it
first paints. Yet, you can see text jumping out of containers already, and it
gets worse if the default is larger or text zoom is applied.
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mouths, but only what is helpful for building
others up."                     Ephesians 4:29 NIV

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