--- On Fri, 3/13/09, Kim Brooks Wei <kimi....@kimbwei.com> wrote:

(The link's in the signature, David ;)

> My h1 doesn't appear inline as I want it to in the
> page's first paragraph.

Your h1 is inline, but your paragraph isn't.

> Side navigation is giving me a bit of trouble. The content
> type 
> scrolls up and down, but I want the navigation to stay in
> place in 
> one spot on the page (like the tiger does).

Note that your tiger image has a "position: fixed". You'll want something 
similar for your #mainnav and you'll probably want to move that element's 
position in your source document, depending on exactly where you want it to 
appear on screen. As you say, you'll probably want to add some space for it by 
narrowing your body copy.
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