On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 21:12:39 +0100
Came this utterance formulated by Gunlaug Sørtun to my mailbox:

> Ib Jensen wrote:
> > That means roughly, that a "developer" should have at least three 
> > screens with different resolutions and X number of browsers 
> > installed, on different systems, to in fact have a chance to guess 
> > which size of units to use.
> Not at all. You can check all conditions on a screen with high enough
> resolution, but you may have to keep track of those browsers and how
> they evolve and respond to changes on the hardware side.
> The reason I opted for such a large screen-area on my workstation, is
> that I can simulate nearly all hardware/software induced conditions on
> it through a few clicks. Most web designers can simulate parts of
> modified conditions at the user-end by zooming up and down the entire
> page in a capable browser.
> First: get the terms, and sizes, right.
> Resolution is somewhere between 72 and 300dpi and most
> viewports/screens are between 640 and 3600px wide. 

Phone and palm browsing is on the increase and screen width there is
typically under 400px.

> Resolution vs pixel-width affect actual
> screen size, so a 2400px wide screen with 220dpi resolution (not many
> of those around, but they're coming) will be physically quite small in
> size. So, forget about 15", 17", 19" and so on for screens. A screen
> is so and so many screen-pixels wide and tall, regardless of its
> actual size.
> This resolution vs. size range can not be covered by web designers by
> using "one size fits all" methods - the browsers and end-user settings
> have to bridge the gap. What we have to do is to allow browsers to do
> their job - we have to work _with_ the media and not against them, and
> only decide which limits we have to set so our creations have a chance
> to survive.
> The only somewhat safe way to lay out web pages so they work
> everywhere, is to not lock sizes to anything but viewport - using
> percentage, and decide what is too wide or too narrow for our
> creations.
> 'em' is locked to font-size, so 'em' is in most cases only useful for
> setting limits - min-width and/or max-width, and those limits should
> be quite generous.
> 'px' is also locked, so they're also most useful for setting generous
> limits.
> In time browsers and other software will be modified to "un-lock" both
> 'em' and 'px' - in a way, in order to make sensible use of higher
> resolution on screens. Full page zoom is one way to do that, and most
> browsers already have the basics (for manual setting) in place.
> Screen-pixels and design-pixels then become relative to each other -
> as they already are on regular printers, and the software will do the
> conversion (see "wishful thinking" in another thread today).
> For full page zoom browsers seem to go the "adaptive zoom" route,
> probably because they can't cover the wide resolution/actual screen
> size range any other way and make it "fit on screen" for all
> end-users. Most fluid-width designs will then work quite well without
> modifications, but both 'em' sized and 'px' sized designs may run into
> range problems since they can't really adapt to viewports/screens
> unless browsers override their fixed width (my browser-preference can
> already do that).
> Fixed-width layouts, being it 'px' or 'em', will probably never go out
> of fashion ... they just won't work very well outside their creators'
> preferred range.
> Support for "media queries" is slowly growing across browser-land, so
> we are, or will be, able to modify our designs a bit to suit the
> various conditions. Great care has to be taken here though, as we must
> know what various browsers actually do under various conditions before
> we try to"improve things".
> Now, browsers and screen-resolutions can only go one way, upwards,
> while screen-sizes can and will go both ways. Thus, the future for
> rendering on flat screens is predictable, although it is hard to say
> how quickly they evolve and spread. They have to introduce one or more
> non-flat"screens" for anything to change.
> So, IMO, it is best *not* to convert a fluid layout into anything else
> right now, but instead only control the upper and lower limit for its
> fluidity so it doesn't become ridiculously and/or unusably wide or
> narrow.
> That this "control of fluidity" can be achieved both forward and in
> reverse, and in a few other ways, may complicate matters for those who
> haven't grasped the whole "adapt or fail" concept. However, rising
> resolution and both larger and smaller screens and various devices are
> hitting the market around us, so quick learners will be at an
> advantage.
> regards
>       Georg
> -- 
> http://www.gunlaug.no
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