I have a div/image that is floated left from the rest of the content.
My content consists primarily of <p> tags and lists.  The text needs
to wrap below the floated dv/image.  This part is not difficult.
However, I have a list where the bullets have been replaced with
images.  When I do this, the image bullets are all the way to the left
of the page and collides with the floated div/image.

When I check this in firebug, I noticed that the <ul> takes up the
width of the parent element, so the bullet images are placed on the
left side.  I wanted the bullets to be immediately next to the list
items (if I use the default bullets, the bullets appear next to the
list item. Is there any way to get the bullet images next to the list
items again?  I don't want to jeopardize the text-wrapping either.

Here is the URL:

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