> PS How about sticking to one subject line. The little novellas in the
> subject line are wearing thin. So this will do: Same Height Columns.

Sorry, I'm spending too much time reading "a site apart" articles. :)

> Man, I can't keep up with you. And I regret I do not have time now to
> look at your new page in detail, now.

Please don't regret it. I'm more then glad with the list answers and surely you 
are on top of them. Absolutely no doubts about this.

> [1] <http://chelseacreekstudio.com/ca/cssd/mem.html>
It help me A LOT! I haven't applied on the layout yet, but I've more or less 
understand why we need a clearfix method or a overflow method. And now I 
understand what Ingo Chao mean by "contain the float"... still a lot to learn, 
but hey? At least I'm not lost. (now).

I have minimize a little, comment a lot, and here is the result:

On both of those links, the borders don't appear on Firefox 3.0.11.
All ok on Safari, IE 6,7,8 and even Firefox 2.

Any help?


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