
I have a page with an existing unordered list

<p>In these terms,</p>
<li><strong>'content'</strong> means the stuff you are looking at on
this Site.</li>
<li><strong>'you'</strong>, <strong>'your'</strong> and
<strong>'yours'</strong> means you, the idiots accessing this
<li><strong>'we'</strong>, <strong>'us'</strong> and
<strong>'our'</strong> means Big Corporation Inc.</li>

(more or less) that I reckon, from a semantic viewpoint, ought really
to be a definition list.  So as a first step I swapped it for

<p>In these terms,</p>
<dt><strong>'content'</strong></dt> <dd>means the stuff you are
looking at on this Site.</dd>
<dt><strong>'you'</strong>, <strong>'your'</strong> and
<strong>'yours'</strong></dt> <dd>means you, the idiots accessing this
<dt><strong>'we'</strong>, <strong>'us'</strong> and
<strong>'our'</strong></dt> <dd>means Big Corporation Inc.</dd>

However, I need to preserve the way it looked before, as the powers
that be like it that way.
Any suggestions of the easiest/best way to make it appear as if it's
still using ul & li?
I tried

dt {display:list-item;}
dd {display:inline;}

but that still puts the definitions on the line below.  I tried using
dt {display:list-item; float:left; clear:left;}, but all the
definitions run together one after the other instead of following
their terms.  dd {display:block;} works a bit better with that, but
the definition lines still wrap to the edge of the term rather than
looking like a continuous paragraph of text (and the vertical
alignment is out between the two parts in each case).
I've tried various other combinations of block, inline and
inline-block, but still couldn't get it to flow as needed (and most of
those were missing the bullets too).

Anyone got any ideas (or better yet, a ready-rolled solution) for
achieving this?

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