Andy Stevens wrote:

> I have a page with an existing unordered list

I would keep it that way.

> (more or less) that I reckon, from a semantic viewpoint, ought really
> to be a definition list.

I tend to agree, but what you really benefit from changing the markup, 
presentationally or otherwise? User agents that pay attention to <dl> 
semantics exist in our dreams only, for the most of it, partly because <dl> 
is mostly used for something that ain't never no def list.

> However, I need to preserve the way it looked before, as the powers
> that be like it that way.

If you change <ul> to <dl>, there is no way to make it look the same again. 
Browsers may and do have their own ways of rendering these constructs, and 
these ways are largely undocumented and may change without any notice, 
before or after.

> Any suggestions of the easiest/best way to make it appear as if it's
> still using ul & li?

Well, this is thus an academic question, but I do love academia, don't I? 

> I tried
> dt {display:list-item;}
> dd {display:inline;}
> but that still puts the definitions on the line below.

Well, there won't be any bullets then, as a rule, as there is no room for 
them. The following gives a somewhat reasonable approximation, I'd say:

dt { display: list-item; margin-left: 2em; float: left; clear: both; 
padding-right: 0.3em; }


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