On 6/08/2009, at 5:26 PM, Debbie Roes wrote:

>> #box { float: left; }  /* will ensure that the box 'shrink-wraps'
>> around you content. */
>> #wrapper { overflow: auto; } /* will ensure that your float is
>> contained */
>> #footer { clear: both; } /* will ensure that your footer clears the
>> floated box */
>> ______________________________________________________________________
> Thank you SO much for your prompt reply and suggestions!  This works  
> and I
> never would have thought to do these things...
> There is one additional problem now.  The portrait image box is  
> aligned to
> the left, not centered.  I can't really use margin:auto; for the  
> #mainGal
> div because I already have margin-left:185px to allow for the left  
> nav, and
> adding margin:auto; to the #box div doesn't change anything.
> Any suggestions on how to fix this last detail?  The client really  
> wants the
> photo box to be centered above the footer.

A different approach...

#mainGal { text-align: center; }

#box {
        float: none;  /* remove the float we added before */
        display: inline-block;
        display: -moz-box; /* <== for firefox 2 */

To make inline-block work in <IE8 you will need to use a conditional  
comment to set #mainGal to display: inline. As long as the element  
'hasLayout' (which a div does by default) then it behaves like inline- 

If you don't like that and the images are always the same size (either  
portrait or landscape) then give #box a class ('portrait' or  
'landscape') and set the left margin appropriately on each.

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