>You could create a class for the images on the bottom row img class="last"
and change the padding on the bottom to  img.last {padding-bottom: 0;}

The last row though may be populated by any number of images, as the site is
a dynamic CMS like Drupal, so if the thumbnail size changes (if the user
uploads a pic that is landscape alongside portrait pics, the pic is resized
to a height 100px so looks clean, but can't set a last row for this reason).
I could loop through the pics and put pretend 3 pics per row if the width
was the same, but then the rows don't look as neat as height-wise thumbnails
in my opinion.

>To remove the 10px gap under the images, remove the margin:bottom.
Still want the images to be spaced out nice though, I'll try to think up
something. Doesn't look bad, friend just need would like the border-left on
the container to line up with the bottom of the images if possible, like
noticed how border sticks out of bottom here:

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