Robin at Wonderbaby Designs wrote:
> I am having trouble with IE6 not displaying the entire header of my 
> design. 
> Robin~

The layout/css you are using is almost as old, tired, and obsolete as 
IE/6 :-) .

1/ Amend this selector to read only:
#sidebar {
margin: 0 -240px 0 0;
float: right;
width: 240px;       
2/ Add these IE/6 hacks to the style sheet:
* html #sidebar {margin: 0 -280px 0 0;
display: inline;
overflow-x: hidden;
position: relative;}
* html #sidebar ul { width: 235px;    }

3/ Delete all this stuff from the style sheet:


.clear-columns {
    /* hide from IE/Mac \*/
    padding-bottom: 1px;
    margin-bottom: -1px;        /* older Mozilla engines. Hidden from 
IE/Mac */

* html #page {
    /* \*/ height: 0.1%;    /* prevent rendering issues in IE/Win 5*/
    position: relative;    /* fixes prob w/ position: relative in IE/Mac 

* html #sidebar, * html #main {
    /* hide from IE/Mac \*/
    overflow: visible;    /* a bug through IE/Win 6  */
    /* hide from IE/Mac \*/
    position: relative;    /* resolves rendering bugs in IE/Win */

* html #header, * html #footer {
    /* hide from IE/Mac \*/
    height: 0.1%;        /* fix margin collapse bug in IE 5.0*/
    height/**/: auto;    /* hides rule from IE/Mac & IE/Win 5.5 and later */

* html #header .inside, * html #footer .inside {
    margin-top: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0;    /* remove vertical margins from the .inside 
class */
    margin/* */: 10px;    /* reset for IE 5.5 and later */

* html .inside {
    margin: 10px 0.75em;    /* fixes bug in IE 5.0 which forces the 
right column down */
    margin/* */: 10px;    /* reset for IE 5.5 and later */

* html #inner-wrap  {
    display: block;

* html #main {
    margin-right: -100%;   
     margin-right: -1px; /* reset the above hack for IE/Win */


4/  Please see your corrected page at
your revised css is here

Quick checked in FF, Opera, Safar, and IE/8. IE/6 and IE/7 more or less 
follow suit.
Correction reference:


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