Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

> I'm afraid you misunderstood the question, or the OP misunderstood what
> "fraction bar" means. It means a character resembling "/" but with
> different  angle and properties, used to construct fractional numbers in a
> particular rendering, similar to that of "½".

It was pointed out to me, in private e-mail, that "fraction bar" means a 
horizontal bar, and it seems that I was mistaken indeed.

I assumed the question was about rendering fractional numbers using fraction 
slash (the page mentioned by the OP contains fractions 1/2 and 1/32). If it 
is about rendering fractional expressions using a horizontal bar, then it's 
a very different question, and even more complicated. It becomes even more 
complicated if they should be rendered inline, inside text.

In principle, you could use lots of nested <span> markup, describing the 
structure of a fractional expression, then using fairly complicated CSS to 
position the numerator above the denominator and to draw a line between 
them. It's possible to some extent in practice, though maybe the rendering 
is not very pretty.

But it gets rather awkward if you want to put the expression inline. You 
could use display: inline-block (which has wide though surely not universal 
browser support) but then you would have to do some rather tedious work in 
positioning the parts well and still keeping the height of the expression 
sufficiently small (and try to position the fractional bar at the 0.5ex 
height above surrounding text baseline, or something like that). Even 
setting the overall line-height fairly large, this would be difficult, and 
you would probably end up with reducing font size inside the expression.

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/ 

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