Thierry Koblentz said:

>I'm not for serving pixel perfect designs - or even identical look - across
>browsers, but I'm not for "punishing" IE6 users either.
>I'm sorry, but this makes no sense to me...

To quote Georg: "It leaves older IE/win versions with a perfectly usable
document, and doesn't in any way shut out users with obsolete browsers -
they simply get a clean sheet." from the link Alan provided. <http://>

I donknow if you read "Transcending CSS" or not, but this is basically
the same thing Andy was saying in his book. Perfectly usable is the same
as "punishing"? I disagree with that conclusion. 

There's nothing in Andy Clarkes approach to transcending the situation
with CSS-design (as it were in 2006) that prohibits the developer to
support older versions of IE with "usable" pages, if he/she decides this
is worth the effort. Exactly how usable is up to the developer. In this
book, Andy leaves it to the developer to decide which browser is the
development browser. That could be IE6 or some other browser if the
project demands that.

I feel Andys total web development approach makes more sense than the
alternatives I've seen. Though some designs in the book brake needlessly
so in IE6. But there are other sources for accomodating IE6, if that's

Also, this is three years later. IE6 usage is dropping and the real
challenge today among other things is making usable web for all those
other browsers. You know 9-inch screens and phones and the like. 

How ever anyone sane could choose to NOT separate structure and
presentation in this day and age is totally beyond me. Not that this old
school approach have been promoted in this particular thread, but I see
seemingly bewildered developers defend this old school approach too
often on this list - like table layout designs,  minimum widths and so
on. But this paragraph is really out of the subject, so.

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