On 12/04/2010, at 2:43 AM, Shanna Cramer wrote:

> I do.
> I am using Hybrid ( http://themehybrid.com/demo/hybrid/ ) as the  
> parent
> theme and creating a child theme called nawbo. Here is the website.
> http://nawbogrrv.org/
> Hybrid uses several style sheets that will give you desired results  
> when
> used in combination. Number of columns in one, font styling in  
> another, etc.
> In this case there are 4 parent style sheets before my custom styles.
> Custom style sheet: http://nawbogrrv.org/wp-content/themes/nawbo/style.css
> Parent styles used: (../ = http://nawbogrrv.org/wp-content/themes )
> @import url('../hybrid/library/css/reset.css');  <-- zeros out browser
> styles
> @import url('../hybrid/library/css/screen.css');  <-- controls  
> comments,
> errors, nav, etc.
> @import url('../hybrid/library/css/18px.css');   <--  controls fonts
> @import url('../hybrid/library/css/3c-c-fixed.css');   <-- makes a  
> three
> column layout
> Using Firebug to find which styles to override usually works really  
> well.
> The specific problem I would like to zero out is the linked rss text  
> in the
> left sidebar. The line-height is too much and I can't seem to adjust  
> it.
> Firebug shows many, many styles that are applied to it. Shutting  
> them off
> solves the problem, but they ALL need to be shut off before I can add
> line-height. I have tried getting specific as possible and adding
> !important. It doesn't work. Right now there is no custom styling  
> applied
> and it looks exactly the same.
> #primary #rss-3 .widget-inside ul li a.rsswidget    {
>        - want to add zero style here -
>        line-height: 1.2em;  }

It looks to me like you are targeting the wrong element.  If you want  
to reduce the space around the RSS link in the left hand side then you  
need to target the h3 which has padding. In order to not affect the  
other similar headings you could go ...

#rss-3 h3.widget-title {
        padding: 0;
        background-color: red; /* <-- Just to test that you are hitting what  
you intended  */

Cheers, Tim

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