Hello I am trying again to rebuild my website, older and it seems only a 
little wiser. In essence  three columns/boxes where center div expands 
and moves images.
 Page is valid css and validates html 4.01 strict. I want to rebuid site 
by using css to replace "gallery container" as needed. Trying also to
put div on right which I will use for "clearances or such". Ultimately 
will use the "more info" link in gallery container as a paypal  type link.
Main problem -Cross browser div with images buries under left nav menu 
and right div. I have tried and retried for many hours various position, 
float margins etc. Also the popup should be over top of the right "column"
Page shows what I want in Firefox (with the exception of the 
gallerycontainer getting lost under the menu, almost in IE6. In Opera 9 
complete gallery div is active. Google Chrome it is close.
I realize many people on this list are really up to date but my customer 
base is often remote and slower to update computers  etc so IE6 is still 
important to me. Also I  like some dark backgounds suggested in the 
past( black) but personnaly prefer the readability of the light background.
Thanks for taking a look
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