On Jul 5, 2010, at 3:26 AM, MEM wrote:

>> Your uri is: <http://www.nuvemk.com/nascer/>
>> All good things in due time. You have a way to go before concerning yourself
>> with IE/7.0.  Resolve compliant browser issues first.
> Ok.
>> Expand the menu thingy and view your page at:
>> 640 x 480
>> 800 x 600
>> 1024 x 768
>> 1152 x 870

Fwiw, I noticed that you are using JS to (eventually) load stylesheets 
depending on the user screen resolution.

Don't. This is the wrong way to solve this.
For one thing, the is absolutely no guarantee that the screen width will be the 
browser window width (or even the available space within the browser window…). 
Although the screen width of the monitor in front of me is 1680px, the browser 
window is ~1150px wide (and never wider). And before anybody argues that most 
people browse with maximised windows, the user can have sidebars open. I'm 
always surprised at how wide some IE users keep that sidebar open.

You can use media queries for better (and faster, more flexible) results, e.g
@media screen and and (max-width:1280px) { /* stuff here */ }
There is a for once not-so-bad article on ALA on the subject:

(you could use js as a fallback for older browsers (IE6 - 8) that don't support 
media queries)

Philippe Wittenbergh

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