On Jul 10, 2010, at 1:51 AM, Andreas Jacob wrote:

> http://cordobo.com/1662-pure-css-animated-3d-super-mario-icon/

funky boy :-)

Out of curiosity, did you try 2D transforms in Gecko based browsers ? And if 
yes, what exactly were the issues, apart from translateZ ?
['translateY' and 'translateX', 'skew' 'rotate' and 'scale' are fairly well 
supported in Gecko 1.9.2 [1]. Gecko 1.9.3 /2.0 (Fx 4b1+) has some support for 
animations (-moz-transition). Not sure how it buys you though].

> Sorry, I'm on a Windows machine and I have no
> OS X at my hands, is it rendered in 3D as well in Safari 4.1?

Safari 4.1 shares the same rendering engine (webkit version) as Safari 5 - it 
is a special release for OS X Tiger (10.4) only. Not sure how well it fares 
with 3D animations though. Afaik that part is OS X 10.5/10.6 only (and only 
Intel based machines).

I'm wondering, how well does it work on XP based machines ?

[1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-transform

Philippe Wittenbergh

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