Chris F.A. Johnson wrote:

>     Why XHTML?
>     If a DIV isn't closed, it's not valid [X]HTML; it should get a
>     failing grade.
>     The classes and IDs can be used later when the CSS is modified.

I have to say, I'm more-or-less with Chris on this one.  An unclosed
DIV is no better and no worse than any other unclosed element that
requires closure, so saying "avoid DIVs because you might forget
to close them" makes little sense to me. But to address the real
issue : while I could see no reason whatsoever for

        <DIV><DIV> ... </DIV></DIV>

I can see every reason for examples such as

        <DIV><DIV> ... </DIV><DIV> ... </DIV></DIV>

where the two inner DIVs together compose a single
logical unit, the limits of which are delimited by
the outer DIV.

Philip Taylor
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