MEM wrote:
> 2010/7/12 David Laakso
>> Keep it simple. Oh, easy for Leonardo. Far more difficult for the rest of
>> us...
>> Best,
>> ~d
> :) I believe the graphic designer behind this as tried to make it very simple.
> Actually, the end users I've been able to talk, they say: "Only this?"
> I was expecting some nice amazing things going on... I don't know...";
> It's so hard to make it simple. But, I'm (half) aware of the
> complexities that this still brings, and if I can make it even simpler
> on the future, I will.
> :)
> K Regards,
> Marcio

I am unable to work on your stuff because when I download it every time 
I open it in IE/8  or IE/7 it crashes.

I begin to sound like a broken record -- even to myself. Approach the 
page and its problems as a -- division of labor -- *that does not rely 
on any scripting or any programming whatsoever.*

All positioning-schemes bring with them certain inherent 
characteristics: work within the position-fixed column restraints, and 
things will likely go better for you

For example:

1/ Delete all the js throughout.
2/ The "reset styles" mess hinders rather than helps your cause.
3/ Create a two column layout. Set the font at default.
4/ Make the left column position fixed [see examples previously sent, 
but Philippe's suggestion is probably the way to go]. Honor font-size 
default for the content in both columns.
5/ Put h1, h2, and *a simple navigation-list* in the left column. One of 
the list-items to be a clickable link to a separate "contact, who we 
are, whatever we are" page.  Remember, not to forget, the  total height 
of h1, h2, and the list is best set less than 50% of the height of the 
/shortest window/ you intend to hit. This is particularly important for IE.
6/ Optimize the images <>
7/ Put the written text and optimized images in the right-column.
8/ Test the site in compliant browsers and IE/7 from now until forever...

If any or all above does not sit well with your employer or their client 
then a two-column layout that does not employ position fixed may be best.



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