On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 14:09:33 +0100, tomo jacobson <tomojacob...@gmail.com>  

> 2. i used TABLE and ALIGN attribute and TARGET attribute... TABLE and
> ALIGN appears in the footer.
> the footer is pretty crazy codewise, but i couldn't get it any other  
> way...
> TARGET is my choice, i really would like to open links in a new window.

> Tomo

I've done a quick remake of your footer if you want to get rid of the  
It works down to around 815px wide and then it begins to wrap and so is  
partially hidden because of the fixed footer size.
Two possible solutions to that, a) use an @media statement to change the  
footer parameters for a narrower viewport. b) as you are using html  
scaling of your images, dropping the size in the code to 'height="35" will  
allow a comfortable 800px viewport.
and the css file is
there are no modifications to your existing css code, and the added rules  
are marked.
HTML changes involve a couple of extra div's but that is still lighter  
weight than your table.

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